Keep Choosing Joy

A guest blog by the amazing Stacy from Light, Love and Miracles.  Enjoy!

Joy is one of the highest vibrations. It creates a ripple effect that runs through the body like a wave from the ocean, except in energy form. It's kinda like when you're driving over small hills and get that tickley feeling in your gut, or as my two young boys say, "the drop in their nuts!!" It's a wave of unconditional love that passes through you. 


Webster says JOY is, "the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation; a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated" 


Gabby Bernstein says, "Joy is our birthright. What blocks our joy is our separation from love. The way back to love begins with understanding how we disconnected in the first place." 


Joy has an energetic current that comes and goes like waves of an ocean. It's a constant flow that moves through and around us. When we are in a state of fear, anger, frustration, etc, we are disconnected from the truth of our being, which is love and joy. Now any human being walking this earth has all of these emotions, it's what makes us human. We create stress, we have anxiety, sadness washes over us, and we get disconnected from our joy. 


The question is how quickly do we return back to love and joy?


How quickly do we recognize that we are out of alignment with our true selves and witness the non sense tricks our ego has us participating in?


How quickly can we turn within and discover all the mindful tools we've acquired over time and pick the one that suites us best in that particular moment and then apply it to bring us back to love?


How quickly do we CHOOSE to close our eyes and take a few deep breathes to reconnect and center ourselves, or blast our favorite jam and rock out to shift away from the yuckiness of a bad mood? The tools are endless and there's never ever a wrong truthful way of getting back on track to the pure love that's within us all. 


A Course In Miracles says, "No one can fail who asks to reach the truth and it is truth we ask to reach today." 


We are far from perfect but in the eyes of our higher selves we are perfect love


Without challenges we can not grow, they give us the opportunity to ask our higher holy selves for help. Everything is gently planned for our highest good and we need to trust that. We can't harvest the learning from our experiences until we are willing to release the judgement and come back into our hearts. 


So the trick is to be WILLING to choose love and joy! 


A Course In Miracles also says, "To remember that spiritual practice saves time that otherwise would be spent suffering."


Discover the spiritual tools that help keep you grounded, create a joyful shift for you and keep you in the light. We all will stumble, it's by God the way of life, let's make sure we heal our way back to love and joy. Freedom, wholeness, prosperity and health become true joy, and it all begins from choosing love. Who doesn't want all those beautiful things? 


Spiritual practice takes time. Commit to the change, commit to being accountable for your actions and reactions, choose to become someone you truly adore, and make a difference in your life to become mindful. Mindfulness is a powerful life changing practice that will only reward you along the path. It is the difference between accepting what is versus how we think it should be. Our willingness is the key to our transformation.  

With Love and Light,

Stacy - Light Love and Miracles

Karen Lenahan