A blur.



It's funny how life happens. Things sometimes move so fast that you almost feel as if you are watching your own life as a game from the sidelines, or as an audience member of a television show. Particularly when the perfect storm hits - work is busy, family demands are high, and the weather is great so every other day it's "want to go out? let's do a picnic?! What are you guys up to tonight?" 

I'm a person who has always moved fast. Filled my schedule, focused on the next thing, the coming holiday, the future goal. If I'm being honest though, that treadmill mentality has me feeling a little overwhelmed lately.   If we aren't careful, life can go by in a blur.  Let's bring it into focus shall we? 

I think it's time to slowwwww down. Work hard yes, live fully of course, but also honor the quiet, and honor the down time. Say no to having to do and be at every single extra thing ... and here's the real challenge ... WITHOUT an explanation.  Because truth:  you don't need to defend your "no's" to anyone but yourself.  

I was recently talking with a sweet 65 year old man who has owned his small business for 35 years, and it's been in his family for more. We were discussing his retirement, and how his life has been as a business owner, and he said one thing that really hit me. "If I were to do it all again.  I'd give myself more time.  More days off, more slow mornings, and less rush." I think many people feel that as they look back on their lives; it's a common thread in books, conversations, and articles.  

Let's TAKE the advice.  (shocker right?!) Hustle is so important, but so is the opposite. The urge to be everywhere and do everything all the time can be quieted, it just takes a little effort. The more you practice, the easier it will be to make room for peace and downtime. This is one of my biggest challenges, but I'm committed to working on it.  I heard a mindfulness coach speaking on a Facebook live yesterday who talked about "living from the neck up".  So many of us are all in our heads, thinking about the next thing and constantly on the rushed treadmill.  

Let's live down to our toes. Be there, in mind and body.   Life is so so good.  Here's to living it with our whole, PRESENT selves.

Karen Lenahan