Fear and Doubt. Don't let them write the story.

At this morning's workout (which by the way I was VERY proud of myself for rolling out of bed for), I bumped into a friend who goes to the same gym I do.  We have both worked out there for years, before our babies, before her marriage, and before our businesses.  She just left her corporate job two weeks ago to finally pursue her dream of her own business.  Brave, badass, and genuine.  I'm so excited for her, and I told her so!

As we talked a bit, she mentioned some of her overwhelm, fear that maybe she'd made the wrong decision... what if I fail?  What if I end up not being able to contribute to my family?  What if I am in over my head?  I remember all those feelings at the beginning stages of SKBT... oh so well.  And to be honest, I sometimes have those feelings now!  My business is still very young, and I by no means am an expert.  But I've learned a few things along the way that help me work through my fears and doubts - particularly in those dark, low moments of feeling like a total, complete failure who didn't know what the hell she got herself into.

We have to believe it.   The "it" being whatever we are throwing ourselves whole-heartedly into. We have to not accept anything else besides "I will succeed at this" as an answer.  Fear and doubt are normal, totally human, totally valid emotions and experiences.  But they CANNOT be the whole story.  They can't dictate the path and the journey.  When fear tells the story, we start doubting our abilities, our passion, our drive... and it can begin to show.

I remind myself DAILY of this.  Being an entrepreneur, taking risks, challenging yourself with a huge goal... these can be scary things! No matter where you are in your journey, or what goals you are reaching for... fear is real, and it can suck the life out of you, if you let it.  Instead - acknowledge it, respect it, let it feed you, but remind yourself that the best parts of life are beyond the doubt and through the fear.  Fear means you care, fear means you want it, fear means you are about to be BRAVE.

Rise up.  <3

Karen Lenahan