
As I was cleaning up the aftermath of Easter Dinner at our house yesterday, I started thinking about passion and fulfillment. 
A few of my family members yesterday made a comment to me that sort of went like this: "I don't know how you want to entertain when you do this all week!" My response was and always is, that I love having family around, and not much makes me happier than gathering around a table with the people I love. 
My business is not work. I am passionate about it. It fulfills me, just like being with my family does. Does it drive me crazy and sometimes feel totally too much? ummmm 100%. 
But I am so so very grateful that on most days, it lights me up. So much so that on my day "off", I want to do it all over again. That's why I started my business. That feeling of community; that special thing that happens when you break bread with someone. Even on the seven day work weeks. 
It's out there. That thing that drives you, makes you excited to work hard, and fills you up. Find it, hold on tight, and don't let go.

Karen Lenahan