Normal? Not.

Normal? Balance? What is that?! Balance, in a strict definitive form, doesn't exist. Make it work for YOU. Create balance that works in YOUR life.

As women we work so damn hard to have "balance".  The media, messaging, and everything we see portray women who "have it all".  Kids.  Profession.  Style.  Big House. Nice Clothes. Nice Car.  All while seemingly maintaining their calm without a hair out of place.  

Newsflash.  THIS IS A LIE.  Do I run around like a chicken with my head cut off?  Sometimes.  Not all the time, but sometimes!  And that's OKAY.  We have to come to terms with the fact that my balance and "normal" isn't going to be yours.  As long as what each of us is doing is healthy for our OWN minds, hearts bodies, and families, then we need to just keep rocking on.

Normal? Not a real thing. Except if you're a washing machine. Then by all means, be normal.

Karen Lenahan